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Artist Statement


As a child, I was introduced to the world of photography and various forms of art during days and nights spent at my grandparents’ house. In a bustling household filled with children, my grandma excelled at keeping us engaged by teaching different art forms and crafting techniques. From sculpting clay and carving wood to drawing and painting, I was struck by the bug of creation.

Today, my artwork reflects views and aspects of the world around me. I draw inspiration from my everyday life, combining real-world elements with fantastical backgrounds and styles to create my own unique perspective. Embracing spontaneity, much of my work is created shortly after the initial inspiration strikes.

My imagination and observations are directly instilled in my creations. I primarily work with drawing, painting, photography, and digital design. Whether on paper or on the computer, my work aims to invoke your imagination and inspire wonder.

Sheldon_02_Just kicking it.jpg
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